Jesus Christ will be with me always, for the rest of my life and forevermore
The Lord knew my mistakes before I made them, and he loves me regardless
Only with my eyes shall I see the reward of the wicked (Psalm 91:8); any evil arrows sent my way are returned to their sender
Today is a new day to strengthen my relationship with Yahweh and be a better man than I was yesterday
Generational curses and generational trauma do not belong in my future
I release anger, bitterness, and frustration from my life for Jehovah, the living God of miraculous wonder fights my battles with valor
May the Lord, the bishop of your soul, the King of angels, the merciful and faithful mighty one in battle fight your battles victoriously, and deliver you from any health issues, confusion, and oppression. This I pray in the holy and powerful name of Jesus Christ, Amen