Don’t count your problems, count your blessings! You will really notice the difference. With pain and trauma, we often lose sight of what God has done in our lives. Do not allow trials and tribulations in your life to rob you of the joy of living in the present. Count your blessings – each one of them! You are a miracle. Your greatest flex is that you are YOU! Your uniqueness and individuality are true blessings. The fact that you are reading this, alive with breath in your lungs is a blessing. You’re a survivor.
For balance in your life, try reflecting on blessings in your life and compile them in a list. Below are some amazing blessings I have been blessed with:
1) My relationship with Jesus Christ – my savior, the creator of the heavens and earth, the Ancient of Days, the alpha and omega, and the one who answers my prayers and grants me the desires of my heart
2) My wonderful family and great friends
3) My health
4) Great food!
"Gratitude is like a magnet; the more grateful you are, the more you will receive to be grateful for."
If you are seeking a new beginning and you need therapy, guidance, and life coaching, speak to me today about starting a New Chapter in your life!
Kevin Ufoegbune